
Opportunities for the development of green hydrogen

September 7, 2021

Primer día: Estrategias y políticas en torno al H2 verde / First day: Green H2 Strategies and Policies De la investigación para la industria Hacia una economía verde del hidrógeno / From Research to Industry, towards a Green Hydrogen Economy Hidrógeno y pila de combustible en Suiza en el marco de la Estrategia Nacional de […]

Soot-free and low-carbon buses

August 22, 2021

Ensure that emissions of ultrafine particulate matter (black carbon) and greenhouse gases (GHG) from urban public transport systems are significantly and sustainably reduced, through technical assistance. Support to improve legal frameworks, environmental and transport regulations (at municipal and national levels), investment planning and institutional capacity building, by creating conditions conducive to the establishment of soot-free […]

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