Progress and Challenges of transforming Machinery to Zero-Emission Technologies
December 5, 2022
Opportunities for the development of green hydrogen
September 7, 2021Primer día: Estrategias y políticas en torno al H2 verde / First day: Green H2 Strategies and Policies De la investigación para la industria Hacia una economía verde del hidrógeno / From Research to Industry, towards a Green Hydrogen Economy Hidrógeno y pila de combustible en Suiza en el marco de la Estrategia Nacional de […]
7 Methodological Guides of non road mobile machinery
August 12, 2020The Climate and Clean Air project in Latin American Cities Plus (CALAC+) pursues a vision of healthier cities that seek to reduce their emissions of pollutants and greenhouse gases (GHGs) by encouraging a shift to soot-free, low-carbon city buses and non-road mobile machinery. These technical documents are developed by CALAC+ to promote knowledge and environmental […]